Thursday, December 2, 2010

This is what my bowl looks like.

This is what Jeff and Ruth's plate looks like.

I see a problem here even if you don't.

This is Mak(background) and Kucha.  Kucha means dog in Hungarian.  Mak is as big as three German Shepherds combined.

These two really know how to take up the back seat of the car.

This is Kucha on Halloween hiding in our closet.  He sure likes fireworks.  That's Dick's head.  He's too dumb to be afraid of fireworks but I think Kucha's eyes are freaking him out a little.

Mocha on the left there sure likes puppies.

I dropped the camera here.  Still if you have a lap top I bet you are holding it upside down right now.  If you are that's Ra(on the left upside down) and Winger.

This is Quincy the speckled pony with Cricket.  Cricket isn't afraid of anything least of all me.

Duke is happy here.  His owners had a baby and now he has to come to Ruth's Pet Hotel to feel like he's #1 again.

All the dogs like Ruth better than they like Jeff.


Later Gater,


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