Tuesday, November 30, 2010

An Explanation is in Order

As part of my parole from the SPCA I was forced to choose between two available employment choices:  The first read, "Wanted friendly lap cat for two eccentric old ladies who live in a mansion by the sea."  It continued, "We enjoy, knitting, bridge and pulling the good bits out of crab legs and arranging them nicely on little themed plates for the sole enjoyment of our kitty."  The second read, "Wanted, cat of undetermined lineage to head up the enforcement department of a small dog boarding facility in British Columbia.  Apply in person to Ruth"  Well the choice seemed obvious. A thirteen year yawn(the time a paw reader once prescribed as my life span) vs. boundless adventure and full time power tripping strolling down long cage filled aisles of forlorn homesick dogs, slashing away at the ones that so much as even looked at me funny-for no reason mind, just because I could.  Also I was all over the undetermined lineage bit.  As luck would not have it, turns out it's not that kind of place.   It is largely an open plan here-no individual runs, no place to hide, so to speak just couches, lawn and silly little things that dogs find amusing.  This is ideal if you're a dog but not so for a feline such as myself.  I didn't find out about the no cages until I'd accepted the appointment and by then it was too late.  Ruth and Jeff at the Hotel aim to treat these dogs like their own which means I often have 10 or more unwanted house guests to keep in line...  They treat me pretty well too (at least Ruth does).

To pass the time I photograph the whole thing and offer some commentary(often via the run on sentence)so that one day my children will be able to look back and see that their father was a survivor who made the most of a bad situation.  Wait a minute I forgot.   Due to a serious bit of malpractice at the SPCA(which my lawyers are still working on by the by)I find myself currently unable to produce any offspring.  This, as you might expect, has a deleterious effect on my demeanor most days.

As being a cat intent upon photographing several dogs is risky business, these posts will be infrequent but hopefully you will enjoy them.  They aren't in any real order and if you happen to be a guest at the Hotel feel free to drop me a line and request that your dog be included in the line up.

One last note.  The comments tend to be more cynical than endearing.  That's 'cause, being a cat, I basically hate dogs.

