Friday, December 3, 2010

Hey Cats,

I know there's a lot of shots in the last little bit but that's because I have a back log of very interesting material clogging up my hard drive.  So you can just look at this blog as if you've accepted a dinner invitation to somewhere by mistake and find that your hosts are intent upon showing you a photo montage of their entire child's upbringing containing no less than 3000 images complete with music written and sung by the kid.  Sadly you find yourself too polite to tell them you might be better entertained watching them read a book.

Licorice, blissfully unaware that there is soon to be a foot of snow everywhere.

Romeo will also be caught unprepared.  Meka, howling in the back, wouldn't know if it was snowing or sunny.  It's a Husky thing.

Gracie is leaving today.  She is going to miss it here.  That is because I am an excellent host.

So it's getting dark out.  You happen to be a cat.  You walk around a corner and, BAM.   It's Kanook, surely named after an Inuit deity known for his penchant and enjoyment of the evisceration of cats.   I say run for cover.  Run and hide.  

Albert's young.  He'll get the yellow snow thing at some point.  Until then, mums the word.

Please note the stark contrast of the individual dogs against a seemingly unforgiving and barren backdrop as the two central figures, toned like, perhaps clouds in an ominous sky, embark upon a fight to death, all conspiring to provide unique insight into the cycle of life at times both beautiful and tragic.  
Just kidding the Huskies are sisters and the Labs could care less.  The first person to correctly identify Jil in this picture gets a free day of daycare.

Oh here they are again.  Their owner occasionally expresses concern that they might be catching their deaths of cold even in the summer if it's cloudy.  Ruth and Jeff, so busy in their comings and goings, are sure not to notice little Beatrice has had her wee wittle tongue stuck to the icy metal flag pole out front for the better part of an hour while Benito(who dared her to do it in the first place) rolls around laughing uncontrollably.  Right. Mind you this does give me an idea for Dick.

This'll be Itty and Lexi.  They hang together.  Period.

Roxy is happy to have her tongue freed from the flag pole.  Don't get me wrong there's a good possibility this won't be the only incidence of this today.  Who do you suppose poured the beef stock on the flag pole anyway?

See you later when your hair is straighter,


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