Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This is Chloe.  Oh she looks innocent enough....

This is Dorothy.

This is Dorothy wanting to click her heals together three times in hopes of getting back to Kansas or in her case the sunny climes of Mexico.

I told you you were going to see lot's of this one.  Wootie wootie wootie.

Beatrice above is firmly attached to Benito shown here.

See.  That's Chilly that they're playing with.  I suppose that should be, "with whom they are playing."  Whatever.

You ever see that Bugs Bunny cartoon where they introduce the Tasmanian Devil? Peekay is the name.  Or is that P.K.?

Do you know how easy it is to keep your average Yellow Lab alive?

This is Keely when she's not trying to kill the Pet Hotel cat.  This is a far better use of her time I figure.  She's playing with Sunny.  Sunny moved to the Bahamas.

So we thought we'd get her right dirty before heading off to paradise.

This is Jeff(the owner I don't like as much owing to his distaste for cats on the counter) off to score chicks at the mall.  He thinks he's the "Dog Whisperer."  I've never seen anyone whisper as loud as he does. All of the veins in his neck stick out.  Good luck big guy.

Until next time,


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