Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I hate to admit it but they do have fun here.

Beauty about your average dog is it takes little more than a stick to keep him happy.


It's a full time job.

You get the idea.  I have hundreds of these.

This is Beatrice.  You'll see lot's of her 'cause she's darn cute so every time I lay my camera down Ruth snatches it up and starts snapping away.

This is Hunter and Keely.  They're puppies.  It should be noted puppies have very little understanding of how to behave around cats.

This is Dick.  He too lives and works at the Hotel.  He is an idiot savant.  Lack of oxygen at birth the doctors say.  He can't read so I don't have to worry about saying that.  Still he's my only real friend here at the Hotel


1 comment:

  1. Hahaha Gary I'm sure you have lots of fun living at the hotel with those dogs!!!
    From Dawn
