Thursday, December 2, 2010

This is Aston.  I wish I was named after a car too...She prefers to drink water that no other dogs have even looked at.

This is Toby.  As you can see he is a dog.  I will never do well in one of those witness interviews.

The big girl is Sasha accompanied by Maya with Bella-Bear in the background.  Want to see something funny?  Watch Ruth and Jeff try to get Bella-Bear back in the house.

This is Duffy and Jingle Bells.  I am told all of Jingle Bells siblings have "bells" in their names including Taco Bell.  Duffy is no longer with us and, despite myself, I will really miss him.  Everyone at the Hotel will.  Safe travels Duffy.

Here they are again.

And again.

This is Angus.  He doesn't look Scottish to me.

This is Annie.  

This is my dog Jil.  Her family tree only has one branch. She thinks Dick is smart, if you know what I mean.  I think they are related.  Ruth picked her up on Boxing day 2002.  She had been hit by a car and the vet wanted to remove her leg.  Her previous owner was opting for alternative therapy treating this affliction with Tylenol instead .  Jil has the personality of a telemarketer who never takes no for an answer.  She's O.K. I guess.  Just between you and me I am looking for a new home for her if you know of anyone.  I will throw in Dick if you are serious.

This is Vinnie the only dog I ever loved.  He is gone now too so I know how Duffy's owners must feel.  Ruth misses him too

Miao Baby,


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