Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hey Dudes,

Here's some of the action going on at the hotel this week.  We are all getting sick of this weather.

This is for those of you who are wondering, just how does he do it?  This is me in one of my many "blinds" located throughout the property.

This is Anouk.  She's getting big fast.

This is Taboo.  How does he get his eyes to do that?   I've been trying all morning.  My explanation would be politically incorrect. 

This is Taboo again.  When he's not doing weird things with his eyes he is messing around with his tongue.  Dogs are dumb.

This is Albert.  He's just little.


This is Ollie.  He's just little too.


This is Scampi or Mookie

This is also Scampi or Mookie......

Want to see something funny?  Watch Jeff's reaction when he tries to explain to Ruth why he doesn't want me sleeping on the hard drive.  Personally I don't see what the big deal is.

Subtlety is not a dog's strong point.

Hasta la vista maybe,


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