Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hey Cats,

The summer is getting away from us.  Here's a whack of Pet Hotel action. I'll follow up shortly with some more.

This is Beatrice and Bella.  Beatrice is, what we like to call at the hotel, tenacious.


Gracie, as yet, unsure of the reception she'll receive as a result of her latest spin in the mud puddle.

"Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?," Stella asks of Darla.

Line up of Carley, Bella, and Abbey

The group watches in awe as Benito, takes down the mighty Freddie in rehearsal for this week's themed event:  Small Dog Syndrome.

Carley out in front.


Nola in a rare moment before finding the mud.


Mulligan looking like a caught fish trying to get that hard to reach spot.

Typo's pretty cute.


Bean comes with Chili. in the back ground there.  Guess who came first?

This here's Timothy, Timmy for short....cause he's short.

Bella is quite fond of Timmy.   The mutuality of this feeling is debatable.

Though there are some pleasant moments.

Only to be tainted by a little over-exuberance.

This is the photo that the dogs love and the owners are not so sure about.  As we are all about the dogs here, the dogs win out.  That's why they invented hoses.

See.  That's Charlie by the way.

You can see Nola has been enjoying a bit of time at the mud spa.  People pay extra for this you know.  Meanwhile Timmy is wondering, whatever is the matter with Mulligan's ears?

This is Ducky.  Don't say it out loud but somebody was sleeping when they were handing out the long leg genes.

This, in no way, stops him from, "giv'n 'er."

He looks a bit like Montana here only a bit shorter.

This is Andre. The Tea Cup Yorkies were originally bred as hors d'eouvres. Andre thinks that is not funny. *

This is what Bella-Bear does when you say, "come."

No seriously Bella, "Come."

This is Bella.  

Oh, and here is Bella.  

Bella, just behind Jedi.

Oh yea, and the one in front of Frankie here, her name is Bella.  It's not like, when you talk to a dog, you can say, "Hey Bella...that's right you with the red collar, you come here now."

Anyway Cats,

I am way behind on the blog here so tune in soon as I catch up.

Miao Baby,


*That line is directly lifted from a New Yorker cartoon which shows a man walking a dog about the size of an avocado speaking to another dog walker.

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