Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hey Cats,

Happy mid-August everybody.  Here's some Pet Hotel action.

Here's Beatrice, Benito, and Bailee avoiding the heat.

This is Sarah.

She looks a bit like Lucy.


This is Callie being chased down by Bijoux.

Sarah chasing Lucy

All in all this has the makings of a pretty good day.

Sarah's getting a little tired.

Never-ending is the satisfaction one can get from a simple stick.  

Charlie agrees.

As do Lucy and Bella.

Water is an important commodity round about now.

This is Bijoux breaking in the new girl(Sarah)

Or is that the other way around?

Here's Bijoux three minutes before she is due to be picked up.  Cute.

Callie and Dex.

Haiti.  Did you know that round about 1791 the enslaved people of Haiti decided they'd had enough and proceeded to revolt resulting in the elimination of slavery there and the only successful slave rebellion that led to the creation of a free state?  This, of course, has very little to do with the Haiti shown above.

This is Sarah.  Note the tongue and tail.  You might think capturing these shots is easy.

Beatrice decides to give Sarah a run for her money.

Just up there, about 110 feet or so sits a squirrel.  Nemo here is prepared to wait it out.  This might be a long time.  

All right cats,

Stay tuned for more very soon.

Over and Out,


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