Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hey Cats,

Not one to complain but, there is an hellacious bit of heat 'round here just lately and I am starting to question the summertime benefits of being clad--head to toe--in fur.

Here's a nice abstract shot of Jeff I took via Olive's eye.

Otherwise the shot would have looked like this, which was taken just after Scoobie delivered a particularly well aimed head butt.


Here's a bit better shot of Olive.

She's just little.

Not as little as Gina mind. 

She comes with Andre, "The Giant."

Diesel looks more deranged than he really is.

Macci is as deranged as she looks...just kidding.

In honour of this being an Olympic Year, Mika and Dallas(who sadly has moved from here)practicing a little synchronized "tailing."  It's actually harder than it looks.  It's like synchronized swimming only you don't have to wear swim caps--and, of course, you are not under water.  Notice the nearly perfect black and white "O" contrasting with the parenthesis.

Here you'll note Macci is going to lose precious points for allowing a bit of curl in her tail.  The judges will be looking for as straight a tail as possible in this portion.  

Callie, this weeks judge, can't even look at it.

Shadow and Mika struggle through the performance.


Comes with Genie.  Did you ever dream of Genie?

And Hobo is never far behind.

Looks like we got us some pic-a-nic baskets here Boo Boo.

Berkely with Callie and Shadow behind with, it looks like, a white blob and a brown bit even further back.

Genie, auditioning for the Pet Hotel production of Oliver Twist.  She is just about to receive quite an unexpected response to, "Please sir, could I have some more?"


Diesel got the part of  Fagan and is getting ready to pick a pocket or two.

Stella, Freddie, and Berkely in a temporary bout of cooperation.

Every which way but loose.

Olive making a course change.


Ra....Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra

Callie's final reaction to the "synchronized tail" competition.

Thing is, Bruno doesn't really have a tail, which kind of effected "Team Swishtails" chances.

Katie.  Katie's nine but subscribes to the "9 is the new 2" ideology.



This is a different Diesel.  You can tell him apart from the other Diesel because he is all black and the other Diesel is a Husky.  But when you yell, "Hey Diesel, come here!" you can also tell them apart because, Diesel the Husky runs the other way.  


 Caylee comes with Chloe.  That's a full time job.  


Who farted?

That's it for now cats.

I remain,

Gary, the cat.

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