Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hey Cats,

Gary here.
Happy day before Canada Day eh.  Time to clean out the backlog.

This here is Ollie making a fast start.

Ivy, Maple and Dallas joining the chase.  Of what?  Who knows, dogs are dumb.

As you can see, the theme, so far, is pictures with dog's feet in the air.  This is Dixie's take with ears thrown in for good measure.

Chloe's version has the added effect of looking as if she is in a wind tunnel.

Then again, Chloe often looks as if she is in a wind tunnel.  

Whiskey and Chloe.

Taboo here is less inclined to expend energy on getting his feet off the ground figuring that energy could be much better used on something more productive--like eating a sandwich say.   

Not so for Kula(r)and Darla(r)

Kula comes with Owen.  Owen considers it his absolute duty to try and kill Kula every few minutes.

Multiple legs-off-the-ground shot.  

After a little romp in the grass, Freddy enjoys a nice cigar.

Cody manufactures a lot of drool during the day.

Zoe looking for something else to make her dirty.

Found it.

Just a bit of camouflage really.

Nester is far and above that sort of behavior.

Or is he?

Raffi is a personal stick kind of guy.

Nester and Dixie like a stick that pulls back.

Cody likes to pass wind.

Daisy with her feet -off-the-ground entry.

Tiger's had his feet off the ground for two long, now it's time to take it easy.

Daisy and Tiger

Dick and I convinced Daisy to enter the upcoming Squamish Logger Days log turning competition.  Here she is practicing. We haven't yet told her that, in the real contest, the log is in the water.  This should be hilarious.

This here is Taboo's tongue.  He was motivated by Tiger up above.

This encouraged Scooby to offer up his.

This is getting really catchy.


Bet sthou can't do thith.

Mika managing to get his head matted.

Jil is the last entry in the feet-off-the-ground category.

ZuZu dropped in.

Sadly, we had to say good-bye to Rusty-"The Rustinator"- this month.  This is him just a few weeks ago demanding dinner.  You made a lot of people happy for almost 15 years.  We'll miss your spirit and your sense of humor.  We'll even miss the way, once you figured out that the cameraman was a cat, you would wind up those little legs and tear after him down the hall. Happy trails.

I remain,

Gary the Cat

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