Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hey cats

Here's an update from the Pet Hotel.

This here's Spike.

He excels at running in the opposite direction when anyone says, "Hey Spike, come here."

This is Dallas trying to get down to Taunty's level.

This is Dex refusing to act his age.

Freddie, Kin, and Dex lining up.

Dirty Angel.

Not so dirty.

Angel has never considered size to be a liability.

Angel comes with Tigger here who does not think running around outside befits a woman of her standing.

But eventually she caves in.

A little pit-lamping here at the Hotel with Clifford caught in the spotlight.

Spike once again reacting to the word, "Come."

Truman is the current cover boy for our website.

Tango is old and has a funny tongue so he Talkths like thiths, but he sure loves to have fun.  In his day he could chew a hole right clean through a sheet of plywood, just to say he could. 

Dallas is running around in circles for no apparent reason other than being happy for the sake of being happy.

Here he is still trying to taunt Taunty.

That's Clifford doing his best to get Bailey angry.  Bailey angers easily.  She comes with Taunty.

This is Itty(lying down)and Trooper.  They look a lot alike.


Gracie lies down for 3/10ths of a second.

Dex still working at an oversize stick.

 Chloe is expressly interested in discussing stick throwing options.

Though just now she is begging me to swat that mosquito from her nose. 

"The maple kind?"

OK everybody, lights out.

Later Cats,


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