Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hey Cats,

Spring is springing so here are a few shots.

This is Ollie when he was just little.

This is Ollie on the same couch about ten minutes later.  Seriously, it goes that fast.  The amp there on the left is in case he wants to sing.  We encourage all sorts of creative exploration at the Hotel.

This here's Chloe.  She's just little.

You thought I was going to say that this was Chloe 10 minutes later.  Nope, this is Tyler with Hunter eyeing up the stick.

Here's Chloe and Molly chasing the cat.  That'll be me Bob.

This here Mika doing her Tony the Tiger impression.  It's Grrrrrrrreat.

This is Ty.  He keeps the little Labs in line.

This is Marley.  He's part shark.

Here's Mika, not doing her Tony the Tiger impression.

Few driving shots here....Marley about to make a right turn.

Conversely, a left here...or maybe a right.

Hugo is an orthodontist's dream.

This is Ivy in a Pet Hotel production of, "In the Crosshairs," an enthralling tail of intrigue and deception.

Moki is playing the part that Jeff Bridges played in the real movie.

This is Dolly.  Well Hello Dolly.

Hunter, keeping a low profile.

Hunter, not keeping a low profile.

Mika and Maggie guarding Phyllis the concrete yard dog.

Hurley similarly occupied.

That's all for now cat's.

See you in a week or so,


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