Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hey Cats,

Well as always, someone's decided to bypass spring and launch directly into summer.

This is Freddy and Berger.  

They've been at it for about 20 minutes.

I have about 50 of these

I won't make you look at all of them though......boy dogs are dumb.

This is Tyler's foot.  If you look very closely you will see that someone has painted her toes.

This is what her head looks like.

Hit the road Jack.

This is Hugo laying a little non-reciprocal loving on Jack.  Come on Jack how could you not love Hugo?

Sometimes you just have to give in to the love.

Hugo comes with Jingle Bell, close relation to Taco Bell and Liberty Bell.
You think I'm joking.  Hugo finds himself in the predicament of having gotten up on the picnic table with no clear plan on how to get down.


This is Jingle Bell in the Pet Hotel production of, "What Animal am I?" She was a shoe-in for "Harry the Hippopotamus." 

This is Khyber

This is the voice that lives inside Khyber's head.

Just kidding, Khyber's just a big lover.

Ditto that for Freddie and Berger.  Phyllis the cement yard dog approves of all excessive play.

Well that's it for this week,

Don't forget to go on over to our Facebook page and Like us.  That way when one of these dogs does something really exciting like, roll over, say,  or pass a particularly funny bit of wind, you will be the first to know.

Miao baby,

The G-man

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