Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hey Cat's I have been getting a few inquiries from new customers if they could get an idea of what we do here at the hotel, so here's a bit of footage from the Ruth-Cam showing how we roll here.

And moving right along out of the snow.....

This here's Kokanee.  Like the beer eh?


This is Brody.  He arrived with one of those bandannas they put on you when you come home from the groomers.

Then he ran into Mya.

Monkey see monkey do.

10 minutes later

See cats are civilized.  Your average cat spends most of its waking hours cleaning itself.  A dog on the other hand....

This is Bodi.  Bodi is smiling because the sun is finally out so why wouldn't you?

This here's Jack.  He was clean once.

Callie on patrol.

She's currently involved in some very serious covert ops so...shhhhhhhh.

In the foreground just out of view is a stick that Hunter(about 9" to the shoulder)has  just begun to suspect is the prime target of Callie's investigation.  You might call it a bit of fixation.  Dogs are like that.

Callie thinks he's ridiculous.

This is Sky.  You can tell 'cause it says so on that tag there on her collar. She looks as if she has just heard news of an upcoming rectal examination.

This is Molly.  She's just little

  She looks like a seal.  I know a joke about a seal but it isn't very appropriate for this blog.  In the background is Hugo-Weimaraner and resident foghorn.

But really, she is a dog.

This here's Freddy.

This is Milo, who looks a lot like Freddy without the white.


Somewhere, maybe two inches, maybe two feet, below that leaf is something disgusting.  Delilah and Milo mean to get to the bottom of it.

And lastly just a little stroll down the catwalk.

Alright cats.  Oh yeah, just one more thing.  I have caved into the social pressure and started up a Facebook page for Ruth's Pet Hotel.  There is barely anything there right now but I would appreciate you heading over there and "Liking" me because that's just the kind of insecure cat I am.  It's a bit like multi-level marketing that Facebook.  I promise I won't post any pictures of cute cats playing with balls of string or anything and you promise you won't tag me in any compromising photos.



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