Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hey Cats,

Introducing the Jil-Cam.  That's right, our dog Jil outfitted with a camera to provide you with an action filled example of the Pet Hotel actioni.  I recommend taking a few Gravol if you intend on watching the entire show.

Stay tuned for more fun filled Jil Cam Action.  Also there is the Delilah Cam:

This one is definitely not for the weak of stomach.

Anyway if you are not seasick by now here are some still photos as we roll into spring:

This'll be Bijoux warming up after a day in the cold.


She may be little, but so far has yet to acknowledge this possibility.

This is Rudi

This Rudi saying hello to Sky

That was pretty scary eh Sky?

Rudi and Whiskey.  Whiskey's ears indicate a strong westerly wind.

Delilah concurs. 

Frankie doesn't know what we are talking about.

Keb here's a search and rescue dog.  Not sure what he's looking for right now-probably a sandwich.  

Here's the thing about dogs.  See what's going on here?  Sky and Whiskey are thinking about killing each other over the ownership of this patch of snow-like there's a shortage or something.

Whiskey seems to say, "Yes it is slightly ridiculous."

But, then again, Whiskey is slightly ridiculous.

And seemingly overnight the mud arrives.

Some have a tactile approach to the whole thing.

Others consider lessening the contact with all things wet.


This is what it looks like close up.

Zeus, demonstrating the international, "Let's give'r" pose.

Freddy thinks it is a little early for "bug" season.

Next taker.

Thinking this looks like a lot of work, Buddy exits stage left.

Beatrice, on the other hand is right in there.

That's my dog Jil.  She thinks sticks are dumb.  Then again, she hates most everything.

Well that's it for now,



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