Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Happy Canada Day Eh?

Once again the day is highlighted with overcast weather and geographically inappropriate temperatures. Ah well we like it cool here at the Hotel.

No fuss Gus

Who doesn't like a Malti PooYorkie?

Carter's the name.

Huli, looking for trouble.


Here's Nester.

Here's Nester at the dentist.  Uh oh, that looks like a cavity Nester.  

This is the way we roll at the Pet Hotel.


Huli and Trouble, getting into trouble.

Gus, beside himself at the lack of enthusiasm.

Sheba and Hugo

Getting ready to rumble.

Hugo displaying what not to do on the cat walk at his next "Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show" if he is to get the coveted, "Best in Show."


Carter doing the stare down.

Later Cats,


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