Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hey cats,

Check out the latest shots.

Ulu.  If you look carefully you will see that Ulu can be read backwards and still sound the same.  This doesn't work with, say, Gary.

Bean, not a hard player but he does like to circulate.

Karma doesn't mean to but sometimes she gets really mad.

Chelsea and Benito are of differing opinions as to stick ownership.

Dakota looks an awful lot like Delilah.


Bailee is not a real fan of cats.

Roxy and Chili up to no good.



Ulu and Scooby


Nuttah doing a bit of levitation.

Miss Molly's mouth.

Ulu...who knows, G force testing?

What would Scooby do?


Ulu and Miss Molly

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