Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hey Cats,

How was your Christmas?  Christmas is always busy at the Hotel.  Here's a bit of the comings and goings.

This here's Rusty.  He feels a little rusty these days but give hime a pull toy and look out!

Nena.  She speaks Spanish.  I am presently taking a crash course so that we can get to know one and other a bit better.

She's not very cute.

Neither is Macci.

Around Christmas time we like to do a little Ice Capades type perfomance.  This year's theme is cartoon characters.  Here are some of the cast members on a break.

Macci trying out for the role of Bambi.

Nena vying for the yet to be named fairy princess.

Dlilah and Chili facing off for Wile E. Coyote.

Which one would you pick?

Cedar, however, knows she is a shoe in.  Does anybody know what "a shoein" really means?

Buddy is to be Foghorn Leghorn.  "That was a joke son.  See you're too short, all the good ones go over your head."

Fairy godmother Rebel.

Not sure on Adolfo's part yet.-some sort of grazing bovine perhaps.

Sam and Adolfo rehearsing for the scene where there is a fight to the death to gain the affections of the yet to be named heroine.

Who should win her affections, Sam or Adolfo?

All that for little Mika here.

Bida settling in.


Finnegan on patrol.

Would you look at that gob.

Macci caught on security tape making a run for the cat zone.  This is pretty cute the first 15 or so times but then fails to impress.

Ulu trying to look like Flipper.

Rocky, the Boxer, boxing with Adolfo.

Xena and Rebel 

That's it for now cats,

Tune in soon for scenes from our upcoming "Wild and Crazy" new years party.  



There is a draw to be held for a two night free stay at the Pet Hotel.  In order to get into the draw you have to post a comment on this post.  I'll announce a winner next time-though chances of a bunch of comments are pretty slim.


  1. Boy, I am not blog-savvy. Lost my comment while selecting a profile. Anyway, it was something like "Miss you, fluffy guy" and "Hope you all had a fabulous X-mas and have a stupendous new year."
    Leslie J.
    (can you believe there are now 3 Leslie/Lesleys at the clinic?)

  2. Adorable! Looks like everyone had a fun filled holiday season!
