Friday, December 9, 2011

Hey Cats,

Here's one last look at the Pet Hotel before the snow flew.

Course I always like to start a photo show with a striking shot of me.

Bailee pouncing on Jetta like she's a bug or something.  Meanwhile Bella-Bear hopes nobody is noticing her anti-matting haircut.  Don't worry Bella, I noticed.  Just for interest's sake look to your right on the background photos and that is Bella sporting a full set of locks.

Next victim Jayla.

Hold on, I totally did not see that coming.

That's right kitty, just a little bit closer.

This is taken from half way up the tree where I found myself after being pursued by these two.

Youthful exuberance.

As comfy as a Pug in a rug.

Keely(background)is rather unsure of Burton's hurry.

Unfortunately, Ruby will lose two faults for missing the jump. 

Ditto for Bella for skirting the water Hazard.

Jeff is working on a plan to train the dogs to do a little leaf raking with, so far, relatively poor results.

Moki en-route to mischief.

Moki comes with Brody.


Ruby is a multi-talented.



Itty comes with Lexi.


Lexi things Itty is a pain in the ass.

Callie wonders, "Is he allowed to say ass?"

Satisfied that it's O.K. Callie resumes patrol.

Sachi, on the prowl for just the right stick.  Thirteen million sticks on the ground just now but Sachi needs this one still on the tree.  

Maya remains trying to get her meds just right.

Meow Baby,


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