Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hey Cats,

It's been a big week here at the Hotel.  Here's a few of the visitors.
Josh b'gosh

That's my dog Jil on the left and Burton on the right.  Jil suspects they are closely related.

Burton's ears are lighter than air.

This is Itty-bitty displaying very cautious behavior around a common black garbage bag.

Daisy stepping out with Keely in tow.


Different Daisy.

Zeus, Greek God, or wait a minute is that the Roman one or the Greek?

Angus.......Angus is very busy.  Very busy indeed.

Taboo is back.  Did I tell you I love the Pugs?  Ruth and Jeff love them all but,  me,  I prefer the Pugs-easily the most cat friendly dog out there.


Until next time felines,


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