Sunday, December 7, 2014

Last Will and Testament First name: Gary, Second Name: the cat

Hey Cats,
This Final post has a soundtrack, so first thing you do is press play and then proceed to the post.

If you are reading this, I am afraid I am no longer on the scene here at the Pet Hotel.It was not a short goodbye. It was not a sweet goodbye. But it does provide an explanation as to the lapse in photographic documentation from this neck of the woods. While up here, the interviewing process for a suitable replacement has been exhausting. But about August of this year a worthy candidate was found.

His name is Ken. Ken the cat. Though of a different brand of reporting–younger, hipper, and more immature basically, Ken will be sure to keep you abreast of your dog's time here at the Hotel. It will be a bit more in keeping with the times. In fact Ken didn't want to continue with the blog at all–claiming blogging is passe. Twitter and Facebook, YouTube and Vine are where it's at he preached. I reminded him that in some countries they eat cats and we could arrange for him to land there instead of B.C. So though Ken currently spends the bulk of his time somersaulting down the hall and playing with string, or questioning what authority it is that says the table is off limits, he is bound to muster up some concentration and start the ball rolling with shots of your dogs being dogs here at the Hotel.

As for me, it's Sayonara Baby. I tried not to break everybody's heart at the Hotel when I left, but I am afraid I did. So take a minute everybody and call your special friend over and remember just how fragile it all is and how much they do for one's soul in so little time.

Here's to all of those we've had to say goodbye to.

Meow Baby,


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