Monday, December 9, 2013

Hey Cats,

Boy it sure has been a while.  We've been busy here at the Hotel.  Right off the bat I have some very sad news.  We lost my comrade and confidant Dick on the 6th of December.  And though the dog pictures will be starting up very soon this short post is dedicated to him.

Though I spent most of the time in this blog deriding him, I feel as if I have lost a body part.  Dick came to us as a kitten with an abscess on the side of his head.  He was what we like to call "special."  He'd carefully size up the distance from the floor to the window sill or whatever it was that he was going to jump up onto.  And then he would thrust him self up into the air and slam straight into the wall collapsing not unlike something you would see in a cartoon. Most people that visited the Pet Hotel never got to see Dick.  He was very aloof. We will all miss you Dick.

You should've seen him when you turned the tap on.

This is what we cats did most of the day...and night.

Here we are transporting kitty litter to the bed.

This is Dick practicing his Olympic dive moves.

This is Dick trying to decide which way to flee.  He once put his nail right through Ruth's eyelid at three in the morning running from some still undetermined bogey man.

This is me whipping Dick into shape.

Both Dick and Micky, who used to be best of buddies despite appearances are gone now. 

See you around Dick. I wish you were here.  Right now I can't even lift my head off the pillow. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear this! He was a character, that boy. I hope everybody is holding up o.k. Sad,sad face.
