Monday, February 25, 2013

Hey Cats,

Thanks for tuning in.  Here a few from the last week or so.

This here's Raffi.

This is Bella, Lola, Mika, Takaya, Bella, and Freddy making tracks.

It`s a common practice here at the Hotel.

Brisco kid was a friend of mine.

Raffi and Bella in a little stick ownership conference.

This is Drillo.  Though his bark sounds like a hammer drill, really he was named after a Norwegian football coach.  That`s the round football by way of clarification.

Loki is hard to catch not moving.

Ditto that for Mika.

This is Bear, no doubt enroute to try and disassemble his buddy Bella.

Here`s a picture of the two of them.  Noteworthy because it is one of the few where Bear does not have Bella`s leg in his mouth.

This is Callie, who is pretty darn happy–just for the heck of it.

This is Trooper with Bear getting ready to try and haul off Bella`s leg.

Here`s the three of them, trying to act straight.

Here`s one of about nine failed attempts to prove that Skuza7 has eyes.

Here is Takaya displaying some oddly flattened teeth.  Why you ask?

Turns out Takaya has a little hobby.

This is Kalu.  He hates cats.  He came right up onto the counter once and then tore down the shower curtain in a murderous effort before Jeff had a rather productive discussion with him on the subject of cat-o-cide.  Other than that he`s pretty cool.

This is Lucy.

She comes with Brewster.

Frankie dropped in for the day.  He is named after Frankenstein because when he was young his first owner figured a flea collar was good for life and then his skin grew over it and then he started to choke and stuff and then they had to cut it all out so he looked like Frankenstein for part of his recovery period.  You ever read the Darwin Awards?

Skuza7 and Koda

Chloe, Karma, and Callie

If you'll notice, Skuza7 seems to be without eyes.

This is Toby.  I don't recommend going for that stick.

This is Tina.

This is Bean who comes with Chili who I don't have a picture of so you will just have to imagine it.

Mya is what you would say the opposite of low energy.

And is pretty easily pleased.

I'll leave you with Kia–just because.

I was going to leave you with Kia but that would have left out Bella which wouldn't be very nice would it?

And, not to mention Chloe.  

Until next time cats,

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