Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Yo Cats,

Here's a few from the past few weeks.  Also, until I figure out how to get a "Tweet" button on this here blog here is my Twitter handle  https://twitter.com/Garysstraightsh   Follow me and help me in my quest to do something viral(other than ring worm) this year.  Yeah Baby.

This here's Zed, like a zee only Canadian.  He's suited up in an Adidas track suit 'cause baby it's cold outside.

Zed comes with Elle here.

And Dee.  She's as sweet as she looks.  Elle on the other hand is not against taking exception to certain behavior.  It's like a Yin Yang thing.

Come on, you have to admit, the track suit thing is pretty cool.

This is Stella asking nicely if Seppen wouldn't mind backing off a little bit.

Now if you thought this was Zed after a wardrobe change you would be mistaken.  It is Gigi wearing a sprightly pullover.

Here she is warming up with Kirikou.

This is Benny explaining to Rebel that, although he doesn't have anything against "those" kinds of dogs, in fact he doesn't want to be "friends" in that way.

This'll be Yogi with Brodi showing little interest.

Here she is with Brooks and Shasta all practicing for the "Peter and the Wolf" auditions.

Yogi is visiting with one of our favorite tough girls, Lexa.

Lily on the left, Zinia in the rear, sister from a different mister Brooks, with Camera ham Yogi checking in.

Bela and Kela.  Kela likes dogs, doesn't feel quite the same about people.  Cats are an unknown.

Meka drops in from time to time.  Takka finds this quite enjoyable as far as visits go.

Bailee often can't believe how much fun she is having at the Hotel so she does a little ecstatic dancing just to say so.  That is, with the help of that snowball she is about to snag.

Stevie and Lexa are biding their time before diving on that stick like it needs a good thrashing.  Drillo(white)has just had a conversation with Rebel explaining that although he has nothing against "those" kinds of dogs, he'd rather keep the relationship platonic if that's alright.  This is a familiar conversation with Rebs.

This here is Hans yah.

That is a 12" square piece of vinyl tile that Koda is sitting on.  I suppose I could have posed her with a pencil to indicate her littleness.  We get her to sit outside when an otherwise perfectly good shot would be marred by the presence of some....yellow snow.  Instead it just looks like snow with eyes.

Zeus is back.  

Drillo looking every bit the suave guy he is.

Karma trying to look like a cougar--not the bar hopping type, just a plain ol' cougar.

Hugo, not a fan particularly of the cold, but putting on his game face all the same.

Freddie and Zoe in that brief moment you can say, "Hey look, they're sharing."

Hey Chloe, did you use the white strips or the gel?

Zoe caught not moving.

This is Ra gearing up for action.


This Takka and Zeus doing a little house sitting.

This is Zeus doing a little house surfing.

Frankie and Bella with Bump looking on.

That's it for now cats,

Miao Baby

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