Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hey Cats,

The last real post of the comings and goings here at the Hotel was on May 6.  We have been busy.  For starters along with all the craziness the summer brings with the dogs and all, we did some major tune ups here.

We went from this.

To this.

Meanwhile our man Takka spent a lot of time riding herd on the crew.

Erri too gave many a dog a run for its money this summer.

Wallace and Heli enjoying a little canine conversation.

Koby and Barclay checking out a bit of fresh powder.

Freddie sporting a silly grin.  Freddie always sports a silly grin. 

This is Nalu.  I have no idea why this snow is falling in this picture.  It's like haunted eh?

Wallace, Barclay, and Takka hard at it.

Maggie and Rosie looking suspiciously at something.

Abby and Nalu

Koby and Jackson trying their hardest not to get into a huge scrap over that stick.

Jackson, Maggie, and Abby with Barclay in the foreground.

This is Cricket this year.

This is her about the same time last year.

This is Jack sporting his signature drool.  

Dolly trying to avoid placing all four paws on the frosty ground at once.

And here she is trying to look like a panther.

Chloe swimming through a sea of beige.

Finnegan here comes with Cricket up a few shots. Here he is wondering what it would be like to be blind.

This is Dakota practicing the catwalk.

Koby trying to look like a puppy.

This is Mya daring anyone to take that stick.

This is Belle.  She's just little now.

But soon she is going to be huge.  She has a bark that can stop traffic.

This is Tuffy dressed up like a horse.

Penny doing the drop-and-roll.

This is Robin Hood employing evasive measures with Koby.

Here he is not employing evasive measures.

Stella and Erri.

All right, that's it for now cats.  But buckle up because lots more shots of the Pet Hotel are coming your way.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Hey Cats,

Boy it sure has been a while.  We've been busy here at the Hotel.  Right off the bat I have some very sad news.  We lost my comrade and confidant Dick on the 6th of December.  And though the dog pictures will be starting up very soon this short post is dedicated to him.

Though I spent most of the time in this blog deriding him, I feel as if I have lost a body part.  Dick came to us as a kitten with an abscess on the side of his head.  He was what we like to call "special."  He'd carefully size up the distance from the floor to the window sill or whatever it was that he was going to jump up onto.  And then he would thrust him self up into the air and slam straight into the wall collapsing not unlike something you would see in a cartoon. Most people that visited the Pet Hotel never got to see Dick.  He was very aloof. We will all miss you Dick.

You should've seen him when you turned the tap on.

This is what we cats did most of the day...and night.

Here we are transporting kitty litter to the bed.

This is Dick practicing his Olympic dive moves.

This is Dick trying to decide which way to flee.  He once put his nail right through Ruth's eyelid at three in the morning running from some still undetermined bogey man.

This is me whipping Dick into shape.

Both Dick and Micky, who used to be best of buddies despite appearances are gone now. 

See you around Dick. I wish you were here.  Right now I can't even lift my head off the pillow. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Hey Cats,

Springing into Spring here.  Check out the dog bidness.

This is Coby.  She's 15.  Here owners said she sleeps all day.  This is not true.  She spent a very busy day here.

This is Hunter.  He's always busy.

Here he is with Macchi.  Double busy.

Here's Macchi ordering a sarsaparilla at the bar.  "Make it a double." 

This is Stella on the left and Brandy making tracks.

A familiar sight at the Hotel is Chloe flying through the air.

See.  That's Bandit behind her by the way or btw as they say on Twitter.

This is Bandit with MiuMiu behind him.

Once again the stick seems like the most bang for your buck here at the Hotel.

This is Vera.  

Koda #1

Koda #2 You can tell the difference because one is a girl.

You ever get one of those itches that you just can't reach on your own?

This is Louie.  He excels at comedy.

Here he is chasing Koda–the male Koda that is.

This is Macchi demonstrating how she gets her hair just right.

Here she is with Dolly playing with one of the sticks we import specially from France.

This is Itty having fun despite wanting us to believe he doesn't do so.

Scooby trying to get his lines right for the Pet Hotel production of "Oliver Twist."  He keeps forgetting to say,
"Please Sir...."

Nalu and Takka just going over their alibi as they head into court.

Nita and Dolly with Macchi's tail on the left.

Sid.  Sid kinda Vicious but not really.  He's 15 and still jumps into the back of a pick-up.  Yeah Baby.

Dolly has Nita, on the right, well in her sights but might just be taken unawares by Nalu hiding behind the tree.

Spa Day

Until next time,

G the Cat