Monday, December 3, 2012

Well well well,

It has been some time.  Here are a few shots to take us from fall to winter...

Nitro leads the pack with a yawn.

Takka on stick patrol.

Montana is, what we like to call, high energy.

Baxter, when not being Mr. Happy-go-lucky, enjoys eating socks and underwear.

This week's production is, "The Hound of the Baskervilles," starring Bo.

Very graceful is Bo.

Poster boy Bentley.

Nitro still in the lead.

Mitzi, Mitzi-Lou to you.

Daisy comes with Nitro.

Here she is "blending in."

Finlay practices the fine art of, "getting-my-own-way."  He is a master.

Takka looks on while Nitro tries to take a chomp out of Daisy.  It's a full time job really.

Freddy's always ready.

Penny keeping a low profile.


Bunna with a characteristic tongue out.

See.  His Buddy Takka is coming up behind.

Tongues out all around.

Takka doing a little grazing.

Bunna and Takka.

Chloe trying out a serious look for a change.

Callie.  She's hard to get a picture of because she thinks the camera is a tool of torture.

Here she is again.

Chloe doing a little stretching.

Ollie and Bunna.

Stick discussion.

Gina here is doing here best, "not impressed" look while waiting at the Vet's to have a certain part of her anatomy removed.  We think this a better idea than she does.  

Ty is preparing for a quick change in direction.

Ruby and Bella.

They spend a lot of time doing this.  

In fact, they all do.

And then, BOOM! it's winter.

Gina and Andre are of the, "not impressed," school of thought vis-a-vis snow.  Here they are on their 10 second pee break eventually opting to just return and pee in the house....Brrrrrrrr.

Ursula the concrete dog is used to this kind of thing. Nico is not.  Incidentally Nico, Gina, and Andre our three long term visitors have flown overseas to their new home.  We will miss them.  They move like a small flock of birds across the floor as they roll around attacking each other and generally acting as the official Pet Hotel entertainment.  Good luck guys and girl.

Well Cats,

That's it for now.  Tune in soon for some festive Hotel action.  

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