Monday, April 25, 2011

Hey Cats,

After a brief sojourn I am back.  Spring has sprung as they like to say and we have gone from snow filled pictures to grass trying to make a come-back.

Self Portrait in D minor, the saddest of all keys.

Asher's got Summer teeth.  Some are here, some are there.  He's older than me so I treat him with respect.

Winger.  Dingy ding dinger.

Ziggy and Toby are tired of running around.

Jake, always happy.

Sunny, cat's worst nightmare really, 3 month old Doodle on a mission.


She's everywhere.

Which one of these dogs occasionally dines on disgusting fecal matter?

If you guessed either you are correct.

All but one have just noticed the cat.

Like watching a cartoon.  Guess his breed before the end of the month and win a free night's stay at the Pet Hotel

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