Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hey Cats,

Outstanding line up of guests at the Hotel this week.  Have a look.

This is Dick and me.  Dick is about to feel the real power of the Garynator.  He doesn't stand a chance.  I mean look at the size of his head.  A walnut is bigger than his brain.

This is Scooby.  He is in possession of the quality we cats like to call "Intimidation."

Kanook here grabs a ball at every chance he gets.

Chloe is seeing how well she would do in a sobriety test.

Annie making the rounds.  

Kira is still looking for a home.  You better hurry up whoever you are  or Jeff and Ruth won't let you have her.  For you real sharp viewers..look to the right.

Montana always on his way to investigate.

Scooby could fit about all of me in that big old gob-never a good thing really.

This here is Bump.  

Kanook is magnificent really.

So is Cosmo, but he's not a dog.  If you know what I mean.

See you next week,


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hey Cats,

The ground hog saw its shadow.  Does that mean it is six more weeks of bad weather or good?  I can't remember.  In the meantime we are just enjoying the sun.

This here's Dex-city boy with a country heart.  He's been coming to the hotel since since he was just little.  I had to straighten him out back in the day with a quick left jab and then, pow, hammer down with the right.  He is now right up there with the Pugs in terms of cat friendly.

This is Buddy.  Looks like he's managing a bit of flatulence here.  He sometimes checks himself in when there is thunder or fireworks.  He knows Ruth's Pet Hotel is always a safe haven.

See, he doesn't always look so funny. 

This here is Dexter.  He can sound like a whole pack of wolves when he wants something.  

This is Kira.  She's lucky, she got adopted out of the sled dog business.  She is also looking for a home if you are in the market for a sweetheart who needs lot's of exercise.  She deserves the best.

Tula and Daisy with Kira in pursuit.

Keely with the perennial stick.  Beatrice is behind off to check something out.

Kucha has a glossy coat.

Would you buy a used car from this girl?

Keely is standing on one leg.

That little bit of yellow by Burton's right paw used to be a tennis ball.  He's not too good with cats either.



Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hey Cats,

It's been a big week here at the Hotel.  Here's a few of the visitors.
Josh b'gosh

That's my dog Jil on the left and Burton on the right.  Jil suspects they are closely related.

Burton's ears are lighter than air.

This is Itty-bitty displaying very cautious behavior around a common black garbage bag.

Daisy stepping out with Keely in tow.


Different Daisy.

Zeus, Greek God, or wait a minute is that the Roman one or the Greek?

Angus.......Angus is very busy.  Very busy indeed.

Taboo is back.  Did I tell you I love the Pugs?  Ruth and Jeff love them all but,  me,  I prefer the Pugs-easily the most cat friendly dog out there.


Until next time felines,
