Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hey Cats,

Been awhile–seems I start every post like that.  Here is a look at winter moving into spring here at the Hotel.

Bailee trying to figure out just what happened to all of that grass that was here this morning.

Ditto that for Itty.

And then by the next day it was all gone.

Leaving some seriously good water action if that is your thing.  And with these three this turns out to be the case.

And two days later we are back in action with Chloe leading the way.

Chloe and Heli etal checking out the spring smells a.k.a. rotten yucky business.

Heli comes with Gilligan.  

Holly and Chelsea in pursuit of some undetermined thing.

Chelsea was a little blurry in that last one so here she is not so.

Nester sporting a serious look.

After all, he is the resident fire chief and that is serious business.

On a not so serious side, we have Freddie and Whiskey.

They're about anything but seriousness.

Ivy asking, "Do my ears make me look fat?"

Chloe trying to figure out how that poo-picker is standing up all on its own.

Jil  and Lexa feeling the need for speed.

This here's Mack.

Takka strolling in for the kill.

This is Rebel and Riley.

Milo doesn't stroll anywhere.

Ditto that for Babe here.

On a side note, the birds are starting to fly through.  On a practical note, bird-watching with 20 dogs is relatively fruitless, some might say dumb.

Truman dropped in for a visit.

This here's Skuza7 working on better ways to estimate a puddle's depth.

Nothing to it really.

This is Mocha practicing his balance beam act.  Yes he is aware that he is but six inches off the ground and the task will exponentially rise in difficulty as the beam gets raised.

Loki makes a rare appearance for the camera.  Normally he is a bit busy for that kind of nonsense.

Koda making time.

Coba and Dakota playing the age old, "who can bark the loudest" game.  This particular pastime is infinite in its ability to entertain.  

Holly and Lucy.  Try not to mention Holly's ears.

Diesel and Lucy think they are carrying a stick around.  They don't know that they have been secretly selected as the team to pull the Ruth's Pet Hotel float at the Canada Day Parade this year.  Shhhh.

Diesel, Lucy, and Whiskey rallying for position in our March 5K run with Holly, Riley and Nester closing in.  You can't really see Holly but her ears look like extensions to Lucy's in the front there.

This is Brooks.  

This is Hope with a big stick.  

As if you need to be told, this too is Hope with a big stick with Skuza7 moving in to see if she might make that her big stick.

Happy Easter,

Gary the Cat