Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hey Cats,

I don't mind telling you, things have gotten a little lax around here in the blog department.  It's been a busy September so I will try to catch up a bit here.

This here's Hooch.  I like to call this a "soft focus" shot, which, by no means should be confused with the "out of focus" variety.

This here's Bubba.  He's benefiting nicely from a recent hardware conversion to software.  

 Scruffy, in a rare shot where you can actually see there is a place for eyes on his head.


Gracie, living the life.

Carlie, living the life.

Gracie, Carlie, living the life.  Have I said that already?

Lexa.  As you can see the theme of this post is focused on the calming effects of the Pet Hotel.

Well, that is,  in between rounds of a game we like to call at the Hotel, "Mortal Combat."  This is Scooby and Freddy with Bella taking a rare break from the action.

And then the wind picked up.  Thats Kia in the back there.

 Higgins is feeling the wind too.

 Zeus and Hooch discussing the coming US election.

 Beta, this time walking the catwalk walk.

Hooch and Beta also discussing the coming US election.

Mika looking for the next victim.

 Bella, Hooch and Zeus about to trisect a stick.

Kwiwks looks out of focus even when he is in focus.

Zeus and the unsuspecting Tyler with Carley in the rear.

Tyler and Zeus


Tyler free from the Zeus attack.

Kia with a stick through her head.

Lexa, starting off the chase shots.

52 pick up

Carley, Tyler Zeus and Hooch

Sticks always provide an opportunity to investigate cooperation opportunities.

 Bailee, always a little wary.

Freddy etal.

Kia, looking for trouble.

Lexa and Benito discussing the subtle variations in dirt smells.

Scooby and Ollie trying to act straight as they head off to investigate some bit of dog type business.

Circling the wagons.

And finally, Benito, sorely in need of a step-stool negotiates the take-down of Freddy.

Later Cats,


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hey Cats,

Have a look at some of the action.

Dolly, enjoying a little quiet time.

This is Orca.  

This is also Orca, just a little bit closer.

Zeus spends almost as much time in the air as on the ground.


Here he is with Scruffy, Penny and Copper rehearsing for the Pet Hotel production of, "A Mighty Wind."

Tyler standing on one leg.  This is not particularly easy if you were wondering.

This is Kai.  He's a Shikoku.  

This is him with his tongue out.  Supposedly there are only about 60 of these in Canada.

This is Kai with Scruffy considering a take down(bad move by the way Scruffers). You might notice Mika in the background.  She's a Shikoku too.  You know one day you have never really heard of a type of dog, and the next day you have two of them coming for a visit.  I don't have many pictures of them both together because photographing them is  like trying to take a picture of a bullet .

This is Dara taking a breather.

Here is Max.

Really, this is more what Max is about.

This is George.

This is George getting ready to crush that stick like a bug.

This too is George.

This is Sid.

Similarly, this is Sid.  Things can get tough around here when you call a dog's name.

This is Sid, "making time."

Penny too.

Here's Dolly and Freddie givin' 'er with Keely and Brooks in the rear.

This is Chloe and Lucy.  Chloe is deranged.

This is Chloe and Molly.  Chloe and Molly are two different colors of deranged.

This is Chloe and Freddie.  Chloe is practicing a difficult dance step.

This is Karma.

This is Karma practicing a full gallop blindfolded.

This is Brooks and Keely.

This is Ella driving Berger nuts.  Berger's good about that kind of thing.

Holly looking sheepish...or is that poodleish..Wait a minute, perhaps that's Sheepadoodleish.  You know, sometimes I just crack myself up.

This is her with Tyler(that's Tyler above too).

This is Cody.

This is Friday.  Friday is a bit like Houdini.

This is Freddie and Holly having a discussion.

Bella in pursuit...Bella is always in pursuit.

That's right, just another day at the Pet Hotel.

Later Cats,
