Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hey Cats,

Here's a pile of pics of everybody having fun here at the Hotel.  Hope you dig it.

Boona, 12 weeks old and livin' the life.

Scooby 12 years old and pacing himself.

Stella, 4 mos.

Macci leaving Copper and Oscar to smell the roses.

First squirrels of the season getting bold.  The Pet Hotel is listed on TripAdvisor as being one of the most squirrel unfriendly places in Canada.

This is Norton.  He has the same skin thickness as a Ziplock bag.  He has been coming for awhile.  On his form it stated under breed: Italian Greyhound.  

Here is Norton seated next to George.  George too listed his breed as, "Italian Greyhound."

Here's a picture, illegally obtained from the internet, I got when I Googled: Italian Greyhound.  This being the case, I have no idea whose knee that is.

Here's George and Norton again, this time discussing their similarities.  Note the patch of white on their noses.

Here is a baby black bear we found huddled up in a ball beside the highway.


Here is a picture of Norton being sniffed by Zeus, a fine example of a Jack Russell.

One day of sun is often enough to cure these midwinter blues.

Macci and Ruby performing in this month's production of. "Rin Tin Tin,  Escape From Alcatraz."

 Here is a nice shot of co-star, Macci, and Director, Norton, at the premier.


....yet filled with many tender moments.

Diesel, leaving the performance.  Two thumbs up, maybe three.

And lastly for this post, I would like to pay tribute to one of the fallen.  I used to look at other boarding facility's websites and  noted that some of them had lists of dogs who were no longer with us.  Some of these lists were quite long.  I thought, "Now there's some good advertising."  Well, since I've been running this place, I have started to change my thoughts on the subject.  Fact is we are coming up to our tenth year here at the Hotel.  By our fifteenth year, chances are, every single dog that we started with will no longer be here. And, although I would like to skirt the subject, and despite the nine lives advantage,  I have to include myself  amongst those numbers.  Don't worry, Dick will carry on the legacy(providing he takes it easy on the kitty chow).  Get ready for lots of abstract portraits.  Anyway, I am putting off the point here.  It would seem completely uncaring to lose a family member(for many do become like family here) and say nothing.  We lost one of the most familiar and endearing members of our pack here at the Hotel and we just want to let him know that there is a hole here as big as an ocean.  Safe travels Kucha.

Me and Kucha.