Friday, November 11, 2011

Hey Cats,

Once again it has been quite some time since I have posted news of the Pet Hotel.  It's been a busy month and a bit.  The "bark-like" setting has been greatly enhanced here thanks to the completion of the fencing in of the back 2-1/2 acres here at the Hotel.  We now have almost four full acres of fenced in play zone.  Paws up Baby!  We'll start with green and work toward grey as winter is nearly upon us.

Wouldn't be smiling if that were me, but, you know, each to their own.

Zeus practicing for his next drivers test.  You can see he is getting pretty good with the left turn signal.

Thing is I'm petrified of thunder.  Problem is, I often mistake my own flatulence for thunder.  

I'm so happy I'm not even sure why.


Beauty.....and Brains

Jayla and Nester 

Let me assure you ocifer, I've had but a few ales.


Comes with Oscar

Not to forget Penny.

What have we here Shakespeare?  Why it's the back forty.  Gonna be some tired dogs tonight.

Here's Nike testing out the new digs.

Here she is again.

Zoe feels pretty good about it too.

Seconds from lift off.

Zoe doesn't have the right ear design for lift off.

Hey dudes, where you all going?  What sc-sc-sc-sc-scared of little ol' kitty cat?

Let's not forget the stick thing.

Never ending.

Landing is almost as difficult as taking off.

Jayla and Tango blending in with the leaves.

Jetta taking a little time out of her day to do a little gardening.

Theo is feeling his age that's why he gets a special seat at the table. 

So is Tango but he can still jump four feet straight in the air.