Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hey Cats,

I have a bit of a backlog here so this one's going to be a doozy...might want to fire up some popcorn.

First off I have to mention Freddy who is no longer with us(for the life of me I can't find a picture of him just now but will put one up when I find one). Freddy was incontinent, aged and his coat had been ravaged by a skin disease.  But when he got hold of this squeaky chicken he pranced around like a four month old puppy.  We'll miss you Freddy.  I can't say the same for Mr. Chicken

They're back.

Annie and the rest of us are sick of the rain.

Kin on the lookout.

Only the Shadow knows.

Roxy Roxy very foxy.


Nuttah displaying different ears.



Bailee. I guess if your going to be a bird dog you might as well drink from the bird bath.

Clarice and kids on constant vigilance waiting for that hound that put her "in the way," as they say, to return.

She's been waiting a long time.

Have you picked up on the theme?

The fenceline for the soon-to-be-world-famous 2-1/2 acre extended Ruth's Pet Hotel Dog Park is well under way.  Can you say, "Double your fun?"

This is Keely a 20lb when wet Blue Healer.

Here's Scooby a 100lb member of the Staffordshire Terrier family.

This is Keely thinking to start a family with Scooby

Here's Keely's view after that little venture.  Hey Keely, totally did not see that coming eh?  You know, some guys just like to lead when they dance.

This is Ulu.

And this is, of course, Ulu's eye.

Well that's all for now.  Tune in next week,

Miao Baby,


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hey Cats,

Here's some more as the buds begin to show.

The stick thing with dogs is a positively un-relatable concept to your average cat.  These two are at it about 6 hours out of each day.  

Oh and she looks all relaxed about it but just try and take that stick from her.

We're talking full bore stick fixation.

Just a couple of pals hanging in the yard.

Yepper just a couple of pals trying not to lose an eye.

Just kidding Riggs and Kyra(above)always play like that.  

Lucy taking a break.

Lucy not taking a break.

Bulldogs are almost as cool as Pugs.  And why does the dog in the background have a leash attached? Because the word "come" or any derivation of such produces a response quite to the contrary.

Seriously, who doesn't need one of these?

One Muskateer

Two Muskateer

You knew there had to be a third.