Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hey Cats,

Can't really tell you how sick of the snow and rain we are here at the Hotel.  It'll be over soon I am certain.  Until then here are a few of the visitors in action.
This is how Luna likes to pass a snowy rainy day.

Rocky, on the other hand, is virtually unfazed.

Sarah is not so sure.

Burton loves it.

So does Nita.

Hurley puts up with it.

Benito digs it.

Others just take their mind elsewhere.  Like Tallulah.  While she is rearranging the couch cushions(a daily ritual after a romp in the snow)I know that her mind is just playing a continuous soundtrack.  Duck duck duck duck duck, get the duck get the duck, duck duck duck.....  You get what I am saying.

Well that`s about enough of that.  Time to get my nails painted.

Until the next time,


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hey Cats,

I am getting a bit behind so here's some catching up with the Hotel guests.
This here's Xena.  She sounds like a Walrus when she barks because her first owners decided to remove her vocal chords.  Brilliant.

Case you haven't noticed Xena looks a lot Tallulah here only Talullah is brown.

Further to that observation you will note the similarities here.  All that needs to be known from a cat's perspective is that anyone of the above type breeding would have me up a tree in 2 seconds given the opportunity.

In particular Bailee.

Carley on the other hand is a much more mellow contender.

As is Luna here who is almost as cool as a Pug.

But she is thinking it would be nice to have a bit thicker coat just about now.

Mika is always happy at the Hotel.

Toby making the rounds.

Tiger and Toby are buddies.  While Tiger considers a well timed retreat Tallulah in the back is clearly fixing to make a run for the cat.  You have to get an eye for these things if you are to remain in the business.


Luna practicing her Sphinx impression for a Pet Hotel production of "Tutenbarken, the Four Footed Pharoah."  Arts and Crafts as well as development of a dog's inner thespian are important activities here at the Hotel.

Miao Baby,
